Discover the incredibly touching story of some of the children who survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and how their drawings, created as a simple gesture of peace, have resonated for a lifetime.
Shizumi Shigeto Manale is a dancer, performing artist, choreographer, director, author and film producer born in Hiroshima and raised in Osaka, Japan. She has received numerous awards for her works, including the 2010 Maryland State Montgomery County Executive’s Excellence in the Arts and Humanities Outstanding Artist and Scholar Award and a CableACE Award.
Pictures from a Hiroshima Schoolyard is a documentary focused around a set of old Japanese children’s drawings found in the closet of a member of All Souls Church in Washington, DC, in 1995. Current parishioners unearth the dramatic story behind the drawings and discover that they were drawn in 1947 by students of a school less than a half-mile from where the first atomic bomb in history was detonated. The children who made them (now in their late 70s) reflect on their early lives amidst the rubble of their decimated city and the hope they shared through their art. The pictures are restored and taken back to Japan where they are reunited with the artists and exhibited in the very building where they were created.
Lo fundamental de Scientology es una misión humanitaria de extraordinario alcance, ahora extendiéndose a más de 200 naciones. En ella se incluyen programas para los derechos humanos, decencia, alfabetización, moralidad, prevención de drogas y alivio en la catástrofe.
Por esta razón, Scientology Network proporciona una plataforma para cineastas independientes que adoptan una visión de construir un mundo mejor.
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